Seeing Life’s Misfortunes Differently

Jan 13, 2025

Embracing the beauty found in the imperfect.

We are constantly reminded that life can be a battle. Whether it’s the elements like these current southland wildfires, global strife, our own mental or physical challenges, or small annoyances that can disturb our plans, ruin our day, or worse.

Our human spirit wants to repair the damage. To make us as good as new. Or perhaps BETTER than before?

The Japanese Art of Kintsugi

Kintsugi is a Japanese art that repairs broken pottery with gold, rendering a new piece that is more exquisite than it was before the break. It literally means to join with gold.

Kintsugi is borne out of the Japanese philosophy of Wabi-sabi. According to Wikipedia, Wabi-sabi is centered on the acceptance of transcience and imperfection. The aesthetic is sometimes described as one of appreciating beauty that is “imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete” in nature. It is prevalent in many forms of Japanese art the aesthetic tradition of embracing the beauty found in imperfections.

With its origins in Asian culture, the tradition acknowledges three realities:

  1. Nothing lasts
  2. Nothing is finished
  3. Nothing is perfect

The process of repair can be a powerful metaphor for life situations we encounter all the time.

Of course, our physical self can be injured and healed throughout our life. Our mental and spiritual health can go through ebbs and flows. Relationships can experience the same dynamics.

And all the “tangible things” we own typically face a depreciation in utility over time.

Repairing to Make Something “Uniquely” Better

What makes Kintsugi pottery so valuable is the fact that no two pieces are alike. The repair of its brokenness results in a uniquely new vessel.

The same is true for us. Value comes from what is uniquely our own, instead of the elements we share with everyone else. We are unique in all our experiences, imperfections and repairs…and reflect our own beauty as a result.

There is no one else like you!

Remember that your life mosaic is uniquely your own. Just like a Kintsugi vase, each little crack, chip, or repair tells your own unique story. Joy is often surrounded by sorrow. Courage is offset by fears. Hate is mitigated with love.

Celebrate your uniqueness and strive to create your own unique beauty in the repair as you rebuild, repurpose and move forward in your life.

To see more examples of Kintsugi follow this link: