Growth Without Effort?

Sep 2, 2024

Man has searched for centuries for the easy path to success.

The alchemist trying to turn lead into gold.

The engineer trying to create a perpetual motion machine that creates more energy than it consumes.

The search for short cuts can lead to a lot of wasted time and energy.

Does an athlete get better at his sport by practicing less? Does a musician improve without studying his craft? Does a weightlifter improve his strength by lifting less? Does a runner increase his distance by sitting on his couch?

Imagine if you took that time and applied it to the improvement of yourself? You are your greatest investment and there are no shortcuts to a fulfilling life.

Do the hard things now, and often…so they become easier, later. That is a formula for growth.

Become the best “you” that you can be.

Mark DeBellis, 2024