Life as an underdog blessed him with grit and determination
It’s rare to find Scott Parsons without his guitar. Whether he is at home in Tennessee or on the road visiting his many clients throughout the United States, he always has a new song in his heart. Scott has been playing guitar for as long as he can remember, and fighting back at whatever life was throwing at him.
“I’ve always been an underdog,” he says. “But I’m just now figuring out why I’ve been given this life. Like many people, it’s taken some time to truly understand my purpose.”
If Scott had been born in a different era, he wouldn’t be alive to make his music. At 2 weeks old, he underwent an emergency, life-saving surgery to unwrap his intestines. The scar still covers half of his abdomen. No doubt he would be asked about this every time he went swimming. At the beach. In the gym showers. A wound that would always be present. A scar carried throughout his entire life always begging for an explanation.
In elementary school, he had to wear elevated dress shoes to correct a balance issue that was causing headaches and hearing issues. Of course, the shoes alone were targets for his classmates’ taunts and jeers. What kid growing up in the 70s wears dress shoes every day to school? And corrective ones at that!
But he learned to live with these challenges and compensated for them with an outgoing and affable personality. On the surface, it seemed he was just fine. Always a seemingly positive appearance.
In fact, his trajectory was enviable. Playing basketball at UCLA. Starting a company at the young age of 24. Leading a band that was considered for a major record deal. Who wouldn’t want to trade places with someone whose light was shining so brightly at such young age?
But life was ready to deal Scott even more challenges.
He says, “for over 44 years of my life, I succumbed to the world’s plan for my life, which was to work myself to the bone, keep paying taxes, and buy into a system designed to extract every ounce of your dignity and heart.”
I feel that I was radically deceived. And it was manifested in several major bouts with depression, struggles with addiction, a failed marriage, loss of my home and being hospitalized multiple times for suicidal ideations.”
Scott reflects on his journey to uncover his true source of happiness. He says, “you know, I always had faith… but I never lived like I had faith. Everything changed in 2008 when I recommitted to my Christian faith. God was granting this underdog a chance to make an impact on others through my music and my words of hope and inspiration. Life in many ways was just starting.”
Scott realized that happiness in life comes not through what you receive, but how you give to others.
Today, Scott shares his music in whichever city he happens to be. With a busy job that takes him throughout the US, he schedules several stops a week at churches and gatherings where he can share his story and his music. His life is an open book chronicled tirelessly on Facebook with regular posts. Many in the wee hours of the morning.
As a fellow musician and a follower of Scott’s journey, I have literally seen him write music on the spot. He has a God-given gift to translate words into music that moves and inspires you. He calls them “downloads,” the lyrics of which are divinely influenced and matched with equally inspiring music.
With a large and growing collection of songs, Scott recently introduced his first CD entitled, Everywhere. It’s a masterful mix of well-produced music. When I first heard Scott sing, I thought I was listening to Peter Gabriel. A soothing and passion-filled voice for sure.
Ever optimistic, Scott observes, “if one is breathing, there is still hope. If one is breathing, there is still time to dream. If one is breathing, there is still time to transcend beyond your current situation.
Take it from this underdog!”
Source: Personal Interview