Browse Stories

Total Stories: 45

Please review our inspirational stories. Some of these stories are from history, others are contributed from people just like you. Do you have a story waiting to be told? Please make the next story you see here your own.

Sir George

Sir George

George McBride was the owner of Sir George's Smorgasbord, a southern California restaurant chain. I was working as a busboy at 16 at the San Bernardino restaurant. George seemed very old to me at...

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Girl Overboard!

Girl Overboard!

Everything in life has an element of danger. Walking across the street can be dangerous in the right circumstances. In the list of dangerous pursuits, walking across the street might be considered a...

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Count that Day Lost

Count that Day Lost

If you sit down at the set of sun. And count the acts that you have done. And, counting, find one self-denying deed, one word. That eased the heart of him who heard,. One glance most kind. That fell...

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The Lion and the Mouse

The Lion and the Mouse

One day a great lion lay asleep in the sunshine, A little mouse ran across his paw and wakened him. The great lion was just going to eat him when the little mouse cried, “Oh, please, let me go, sir....

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